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All Delkron® products are subjected to rigorous tests, guaranteeing their quality:
"Burn In" test on 100% of the thermal and electro-electronic elements.
Internal control system that allows the traceability and monitoring of our products, for all customers in Brazil and abroad.

In Brazil, the pioneer in the manufacture of state-of-the-art hot runner systems was Delkron®, which has been operating in this segment since 1989. In 1992 even, Delkron®, competing with several international companies, won the "Brazilian Prize for Packaging ", due to the high performance obtained in the production of pots, lids and disposables with equipment manufactured by them. This technology has also been used in the production of systems for injection of technical parts and engineering materials, with the same high performance.

Type J Thermocouple, Type J Temperature Sensor | Delkron

Highly qualified team formed by engineers and technicians, provide continuous service and global support at an international level.

Customer Service Mon to Fri 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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11 95308-4554 / 11 4482-1290

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